Tuesday, July 5, 2011

[Yahoo way] Export your facebook friends to google plus

Get *your* data contact out of Facebook, whether they want you to or not. You gave them your friends and allowed them to store that data, and you have right to take it back out! Facebook doesn't own my friends.

This it`s what a very downloaded extension from google web store promise to do.
And it did, but for a limited time. Facebook now closed the application.

There is another way to export your facebook friends to google plus, using yahoo mail.

2 : Click the : "Create new Account"
3 : Create your account.

4 : Click on “Contacts” button then click on “Import Contacts” button.

5. When you will see something like this :

Share with Yahoo!

Do you want to share your contacts with Yahoo!


6. Now goto https://plus.google.com/u/0/circles/find and click on Yahoo!


  1. I just went through this process. And Yahoo only imports 50 contacts from Facebook. Why is that?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Russell Weird, i have over 1500 friends and did not have this problem, but maybe it`s now because Facebook does not want to allow for people to export

  4. Error loading newly imported people :(

  5. Error loading newly imported people

  6. Same error for me...
    Any workaround?

  7. it now connected but I actually don't see any of my contacts available in g+

  8. Worked for me, but required 5 tries. Imported 465 contacts.

  9. There is a workaround for "Error loading newly imported people" issue and it can be found at http://saiberai.blogspot.com/2011/07/workaround-for-error-loading-newly.html

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. A big coincidence to this whole fiasco is that Google has been Granted a Patent for Cross Domain Communication on July 12, 2011. The Patent covers import and export of data- So, should Facebook be Alarmed? http://patentsind.blogspot.com/2011/07/google-granted-patent-for-cross-domain.html
